Box cutter injuries quickly turn a productive shift into a first-aid lesson, or worse, a trip to the hospital. In addition to directly and adversely affecting your employees, injuries also impact your company's finances and overall workflow. Although it may be impossible to entirely eliminate mishaps, certain steps can make a difference between positive and negative results.

Box Cutter Injury Statistics and Consequences

According to an article from, the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics states that hand injuries are the second most common occurrence on the job. Ranging from a minor nick or scratch that a person can quickly clean and disinfect to something requiring surgical intervention, the consequences can be quite extensive. Nerve-damaging lacerations and amputations can cost thousands of dollars in treatments, workplace compensation, and putting new people on the job to replace the injured persons.

Using a Safety Blade Box Cutter Is Vital to Business

Scissors aren't fit to handle all cutting tasks, which is why a box cutter is crucial for many tool kits. Opening boxes and packages seems simple, so many people don't give a lot of thought to the correct use of their tool or to the possibility of box cutter injuries. Using safer options, like our box cutters with safety blades, safeguards everyone. Look for ergonomic handle designs, protection against unnecessary blade exposure, and of course blades that are designed with safety in mind. Having an assortment of safety tools at hand benefits hands-on box cutter safety training for the whole company.

Box Cutter Safety Tips

Implement these key box cutter safety procedures as part of warehouse safety training and as reminders for daily protection:

  • Wear safety goggles and gloves
  • Keep the work area free of obstacles and clutter
  • Maintain a secure footing or sitting stance
  • Always cut away from you
  • Use the safety box cutter that best fits the task
  • Always retract the blade, properly store the box cutter to prevent cuts when picking it up

Keep Safety Tips Top of Mind

One of the easiest ways to keep employees thinking about safety is to post visual reminders. Posters, signs, and banners help set the tone for your workplace. This kind of reminder also caters to people who learn visually. Look for well designed and concise reminders, including free resources like box cutter safety posters.

Addressing Box Cutter Injuries

See to it that you are aware of all of the OSHA compliance regulations that pertain to your business, and when any updates may occur. Guidelines vary as to reporting incidents, so also ensure that information is readily available. It's a good idea to periodically review how to properly use a safety blade box cutter, and that the workspace is as clear and clean as possible. When everyone is knowledgeable about box cutter injuries and workplace safety, it reduces the likelihood of it happening, and the stress and worry of handling them, if and when they do occur.