How much does it cost your company if one of your employees suffers

a simple knife-related injury on the job?

a. $1,000
b. $10,000
c. $50,000 or more

Factor in medical attention, sick pay, lost work time, fines, delays, and insurance costs. The National Safety Council estimates the average total incurred cost per workers’ comp claim for hand, finger, and wrist injuries is more than $19,000. OSHA says direct and indirect costs for laceration injuries total $36,472.

And those are average costs, so knife-related injuries can easily top $50,000 and beyond.

Yet knives are a standard part of industrial workspace —utility knives, razor blades, box cutters, craft blades and more. Employees use them to cut cable, plastic, paper, tear through packages, open boxes, unpack deliveries, unload stock, trim, slice, and more.

If knives are everywhere in the workplace, so is the potential for injury. Cutting injuries send more than 1,000,000 workers to the hospital every year. According to a study on reducing knife injuries conducted by the UK’s Health and Safety Executive, 51% of knife injuries were finger related, 33% were hand related, and 5% were arm related. That’s a massive 89% on the upper limbs! 

Preventing Lacerations

You can dramatically reduce knife-related accidents and injuries in your workplace, improve the safety of your employees, and protect your company’s bottom line by implementing Safety Knife Programs and implementing Safety Knives and Safety Box Cutters to reduce lacerations.

We’ve put together a free paper on The Top 3 Things You Can Do NOW to Reduce Cutting Injuries. Download it now by clicking on the below link.